
May 4, 20133 min

The Awesome Art of Pride and Kiltwalking!

“How hard can it be? It is just walking!”

Famous words from a friend of mine when I told her I had decided to do the 26 mile Kilt Walk from Hampden Park to Loch Lomond! Yeh! Just walking! Tell that to the blisters on my right heel that have finally healed. Now Elastoplast free and wishing I had bought shares in Compeed, time to look back.

So was it worth it?

Was all the training, hauling my tired self round circuits of Glasgow’s West End and City Centre, hours spent on the treadmill at Western Health and Racquets Club or walking with Michelle and Wilma round Kilmacolm, worth it ? Was the no I can’t stay out too late tonight, I need to fit in at least a 15 miler tomorrow, just sheer madness? No to both. The training was well worth it. I only got the blisters because I put too much moisturiser on my feet the night before, rookie mistake!

Why was it worth it?

Warning soppy bit ahead

  1. Team In It To Gin It smashed our target and with your help will raise over £2000 this includes Michelle and Amanda who didn’t make it on the day.

  2. It was a day out I would not have missed for the world even the rain at the start did not dampen spirits

  3. The memory of seeing Mum and Maggie and their awesome banner at the end was such a huge joy. The look of pride on their faces when they saw us, will stay with me forever

  4. The patter from Wilma (@duffwilma) and Mark (@gymguymark) as we walked from the city centre out to Loch Lomond was wide and varied. From Mark’s history lessons to Duff hauling up her breeks every five minutes, there was never a boring moment.

  5. The texts, phone calls, tweets and Facebook messages we got as we walked along, the number of people we knew were thinking of and supporting us was just staggering.

  6. The encouragement from the people who lined the route, the car horns that got tooted, the signs, the waves, the wee woman who when I asked for a loan of her wheelchair laughed and replied “ if I could give it to you hen I would”

  7. The sudden sense of pride in our achievement, of setting a goal and hitting the target! It is the strangest sensation and one I genuinely have never felt in myself before.

  8. Looking at the Kilt Walk medal and the charm my family gave me for my bracelet keeps the memory alive, the empty TACC sweetie packet pinned up on my desk that says Pain is temporary but Pride lasts all give me a wee boost now and again and remind me of why we did the walk and the hundreds of children and families who will benefit.

So next big question, would I do it again? Just wait and see.

One final set of thank you …

To Carey, Iain and the rest of the Kilt Walk crew, Awesome does not describe you guys, thank you!

To my fellow walkers Mark and Wilma, thank you for the banter, the pills and the team spirit.

To those of you who I met at the end of the walk, especially Jill Dinsmore, apologies for not being very chatty, the emotion was getting to me!

And to all of you who believed that I could do this, like always I doubted my ability but you have taught me that belief is all and to take pride in what I achieved. Now the next big challenge is in a month’s time, getting into shape to look fabulous at fifty. Bring it on!

#LochLomond #Gym #TheKiltWalk #Scotland #Charity #TACC #Glasgow
