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Balancing life in all its various shapes and forms

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Words and phrases

How many times has someone said something to you in passing and it has cut you to the core? How many times have you opened your mouth...

Instinct is illogical!

Oooh potentially contentious blog! “Instinct is illogical” comes from an acquaintance of mine who reads my blogs. K is a maths/science...

To trust or not to trust!

The gut feeling versus instinct debate rages on. After I published my last blog a friend sent me this. Her example was when, newly...


Chatting to a friend of mine the other day about the consequences of the decisions we make. We had met for coffee in The Hyndland Fox for...

Day 52 : Yawn! ❤❤❤ 05/03/2017

5 am???? Seriously 5 am! My body clock has to be kidding me! It wasn’t even a turn over and go back to sleep awakening. No, it was a get...

Day 30 Chilling ❤❤❤

I have to admit that this morning I am shattered. A very busy and challenging week caught up with me and I had to cancel a few things...

Day 26 Tempests ❤❤❤

Well Day 26 was windy, cold and wet! It was one of those days where you just want to stay in bed and do nothing but watch crap TV....

Day 24 Inspired ❤❤❤

Sunday, the day of rest! I wish! For some foolish reason I decided to get up early and instead of my usual long lie with many mugs of...

In Praise of Burns

Wonderful video produced by the team I work with! Enjoy! Geraldine #RobertBurns #Drone #Scotland #BurnsNight #Highlands #Glasgow #Video

2015: the year I revolted!

When you read all the health advice for someone of my age, it is all cut down on stress, watch what you eat, don’t drink to excess and...

Change! Part 4

This morning I wake up in a different world! Over a week ago I was in the busy, frantic office of investment banking and today I enter...

Change! Part 2

The one problem with making any big change is doubt, that silly little niggle that starts at the back of your head and will not go away....

Change! Part 1

Change! A word that scares many of us to heck and back! Why? Is it because we like being comfortable in an environment that is familiar...

Belief, The Gym and Elvis ?

I was walking back home tonight after dinner at the Rio Cafe and as I headed up Hyndland Road a car stopped at the lights blaring out...

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