
Aug 30, 20152 min

Change! Part 2

The one problem with making any big change is doubt, that silly little niggle that starts at the back of your head and will not go away. Small things can very quickly escalate into huge fears and worries and the spiral into heightened anxiety can shift up a gear and speed towards the danger zone.

How do you stop that from happening?

  1. Self belief, remember where the courage came from to make that decision and why!

  2. Focus on you, on your reasons good or bad and use them to point you in the right direction.

  3. Talk to those you trust, family and friends who really know you and can be honest with you.The number of friends and colleagues who noticed a difference in me was phenomenal.

  4. I ditched the pros and cons and instead used mind mapping and a few other methods to point me in the right direction. I found pro and cons lists too negative.

  5. Make up an alternative CV, list your life skills and use your hobbies etc to pinpoint what you enjoy. This really helped me to focus on a few things I had forgotten about.

Very simple but useful little steps!

One other thing, be grateful for where you are leaving, bitterness can sour the process of finding something new. Even if you are leaving for negative reasons, there will be learning points you can take away with you. Everything we go through in life teaches us and becomes an experience, good or bad.

So I finally said goodbye to colleagues and friends I had worked with for over 12 years, it was tough. I think I cried my way through most of my last day. It was a day full of affirmations and memories and may tissues. I leave with some very nice gifts as well as a cracking wee night out.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me at Morgan Stanley for the last 12 years, it has been a blast.

#CV #MorganStanley #Linkedin #JobHunting #Anxiety #Scotland #Career #change #life #lifebalance #Glasgow
