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Welcome to the “Uncomfort” Zone?


How would you define your comfort zone?  Is it a situation where you feel safe and secure so you can feel able to do your best? Or perhaps you are at your best when you are at ease and doing what you know? Whatever your comfort zone is, what would it take to get you out of there and why?

As I have said before 2013 was a year of real ups and downs for me, and I think I tended to retreat into my comfort zone to stay sane. But recently I have been thinking about my #nextsteps for 2014 and wondering if it is time to come out from under the duvet and dip my toe in the cold water of the uncomfort zone. It is one scary thought to take that step and trying to realise the benefits can be tough especially when under the duvet is so warm, comfy and safe.


I had my first PT session of 2014 with GymGuyMark (GGM)  on Wednesday at Western Health and Racquets Club, I was a bit early so I did my usual and jumped on the treadmill to warm up and get the old legs moving. I was about 15 minutes into my usual treadmill routine when GGM appeared and after a bit of chat he asked me what I had been doing gym wise. I very proudly told him about the fact that I had been coming to the gym at the Club quite a lot and described the wee cardio routine I had worked out for myself. “Good” he said, “but we need to get you off that treadmill and out of your comfort zone”. I have to admit I felt a wee bit gutted for a minute but then as any good PT should do, he explained why.  So even though I am changing my speed, upping the incline or trying to get faster, the treadmill is still the one place I zone out on and, yep, feel too comfortable with.  GGM suggested swapping my treadmill for a mix of cross trainer, rowing machine and bike and spending less time on the duvet that is the treadmill, “you need to mix it up and challenge yourself”. Mmmmmm I have to admit I was not sure about this at all. We finished off our PT session with a weights session concentrating on arms with the 7kgs and a lot of the usual GGM patter but I couldn’t get this idea of moving out of my “comforting treadmill” out of my head. The treadmill is the place I zone out at the Gym, it is the place where I stick on loud music, hit auto pilot and off I go, nice and straightforward and comfortable to do, the cares of the day disappear and I can …. Eh, hang on a mo …. BINGO … LIGHTBULB !!!!!!


So no more treadmill, well not to the extent I have been using it! After my PT session, I got home and sat down for a scribble session to map out my comfort zone versus the scary stuff. It was a huge slap in the face to see it right these in front of me, images are so strong and it made me realise that it is going to take a bit of effort to take that leap and the #nextsteps. And not just in the gym.

It is now Friday and I am just back from the Gym. Today was a stressful day but I resisted the temptation to step onto or into the comfort zone. Instead I stuck some good old disco music on the Ipod, and stepped on the cross trainer for ten minutes, rowed the boat for ten  then  the bike for twenty and it felt good. The old legs and arms were struggling towards then end but after a good stretch it felt better.

Crawling out of the comfort zone felt like putting on a new dress. It made me feel quite confident and  to really consider trying something new and be comfortable with the results! So here is to pushing that duvet back and facing the new, my only problem now is that I need to redo my #nextsteps Blog.

G x

PS Friday night after the Gym, another out of comfort zone moment … a blind date!


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