
Oct 4, 20122 min

9 months later … time to take stock!

I was sitting at my desk today when it suddenly dawned on me that it has been almost 9 months since I started this Gym thing at The Western Health and Racquets Club, Hyndland Road, Glasgow.  So I thought it was time to take stock, look at where I am and what the next 9 months holds.

I think the writing was on the wall the first time I went to meet GymGuyMark at The Western. When I came out I called Michelle just to prove that I had actually gone and I seem to remember saying, correct if I am wrong @tartancat ‘I wish I had brought my gym stuff’.  I guess I should have realised that the writing was on the wall back then and that the Gymophobia would potentially one day be cured.

So let’s take stock

  1. I am no longer out of breath running for a bus .. yes I can run for a bus

  2. I have donated 5 black bin bags of clothes to charity shops.

  3. I have shape in parts of my body that I have not seen since the early 90’s

  4. I have made some good friends who have been a tremendous support in this sweaty trek towards so-called fitness, as well as those I have known for years and continually support me because they can see the difference.

  5. My family has been amazing and are well chuffed for me.

  6. My tales of perspiration have got at least two people to think about their fitness and take up a sport or join a Gym

  7. I have stuck to my guns; the only thing I have changed in my way of life is to fit in the Gym. I do watch what I eat but it is all in balance, the gin or gym philosophy stays true!

  8. I have lost weight but have lost it the way I wanted to, slowly but surely and it has stayed off.

  9. I have lost inches as well but that is between me and the tape measure.

  10. I have been very lucky in the support I get from The Western Health and Racquets Club, as well as Noreen and the guys at WestEndLife as well as Jill, who suggested the column in the first place.

  11. Last but not least GymGuyMark, 9 months ago the poor soul was Mark but the nickname I gave him has stuck! Sorry GGM and thanks for the continuing banter, jokes and confidence in my abilities when I don’t believe in myself.

The next 9 months will take me to after my 50th birthday; hopefully they hold good times with good people as well as more perspiration, banter, gin, cake and blogging.

Just one final thing to say, I feel it is time to admit something, my name is not Ginny, I used another name because I felt that I might give up … so, deep breath, my name is Geraldine and I love going to Gym, guess that means I might just be cured!

Well sort of … now where is that gin!

G x

#Fitness #Gin #Gym #Scotland #GinorGym #time #Glasgow
